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Wayfinding for Airports

Wayfinding Model

Smart & Multilingual Digital Wayfinding

Guide the passenger journey with better wayfinding solutions.

Glance and Go

Intuitive, highly visual content makes navigation easier for both domestic and international travelers.

Multimodal Wayfinding
Multilingual Wayfinding

Automatic Translation and Updates

Languages update based on incoming flight’s country of origin. Content can update and resize based on airline changes and more.

Wayfinding for the Entire Airport

Digital wayfinding solutions for curbside to gates and back. Our solutions are also TSA and CBP-ready to help passengers navigate in areas where anxiety typically spikes.

Multilingual Wayfinding
Wayfinding Totem


  • Smart Wayfinding: Solutions that update automatically based on custom business rules.

  • Multilingual Messaging: Automatically translate wayfinding messages based on flights’ country of origin.

  • Responsive Design: Information can adjust based on the information to display, such as active airlines.

  • Intuitive, Visual Messaging: Easily understood pictograms and eye-catching motion.

  • Unified Management: Manage all digital displays under one system.


  • Enhanced Passenger Experience: Greet, guide, and assist passengers across the airport.

  • Operational Efficiency: Automate responses to changes, freeing up staff for critical tasks.

  • Flexibility: Easily adapt to changing schedules and needs with minimal disruption.

  • Improved Safety: Quickly update and communicate critical information in real-time.

  • Consistent Branding: Ensure a unified visual experience across the airport.

  • What is Synect’s Emergency Messaging solution for airports?
    Synect’s Emergency Messaging systems at airports is an innovative solution designed to communicate critical information swiftly and efficiently in crisis situations, ensuring the safety and guidance of passengers and staff.
  • How can Synect’s Emergency Messaging be activated at an airport?
    The system allows for immediate activation of messages across various levels, such as airport-wide, multiple terminals, or specific areas, depending on the urgency and scope of the situation.
  • What features make Synect’s Emergency Messaging effective during critical situations?
    Features include rapid deployment, customizable messages tailored to the airport's layout, and scalable solutions from small to large facilities.
  • What are the benefits of implementing Synect’s Emergency Messaging system in airports?
    The system offers immediate response capabilities, flexibility to address evolving scenarios, clear communication, and enhanced safety through customizable permissions and workflows.
  • How does Synect’s Emergency Messaging ensure compliance and security?
    It integrates policy-based workflows that require permissions for creating, approving, and activating messages, ensuring compliance and maintaining security.

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